Mental Health: Misnomer & Metaphor

Societies need to have one illness which becomes identified with evil, and attaches blame to its victims. — Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor, 1978   (Editor’s note: This blog is an excerpt from Jack Carney’s book Nation of Killers: Guns, Violence, White...

Philip Seymour Hoffman, Drugs and the Therapeutic State

Greetings. It seems that somebody’s passing is the only thing that will stir me sufficiently to write about what’s going on in this benighted country. I had anticipated writing this a week or two ago but I got sidetracked. It’s certainly not too late, since Hoffman’s...

We Shall Overcome: Remembering Pete Seeger

A great American passed away the other day. Ordinarily, I never indulge in such chauvinism, but how else can you describe Pete Seeger? Who else has contributed as much to the country’s emotional and spiritual well-being? I haven’t posted to this site for more than two...

Harm Reduction & the Elephant in the Room: End DSM Dependency

Introduction: The article below was originally accepted for November publication in a small British academic review for psychology students. On the heels of its acceptance, the article was rejected by a senior editor who, for unknown reasons, decided that what I wrote...

The Shoes Keep on Dropping… What Next?

(I had planned to post this article on Mad In America on June 26th to acknowledge International Day in Solidarity with Victims of Torture. My computer crashed … better late than never.) “There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said — no....

Next Steps: More Lessons Learned From the DSM-5 Boycott

If there is no struggle, there is no progress.                                                                                                    –     Frederick Douglass You never know what you’re going to accomplish when you start something. Which is why you start...

Occupy APA in San Francisco: Joined in Spirit

Tomorrow, May 18, the American Psychiatric Association kicks off its 166th annual conference. That same day, its new DSM-5 will be officially published. Given the occurrences of the past couple of weeks, which I’ll review briefly below, some members of the APA might...

DSM-5 Boycott Launched!

Boycott the DSM-5! Believe it or not, there’s some confusion about what “boycott” means. Bluntly, it means “Don’t purchase or use the object being boycotted.” Remember the United Farm Workers and table grapes and iceberg lettuce? I remember walking a picket line daily...

Mass Murder in Newtown: Why and Where Next?

This is the third time in less than two years that I’m writing an article about young men walking into public venues and shooting a dozen or more people at a time — first Tucson, then Aurora, now Newtown. The Newtown killer, Adam Lanza, didn’t just walk into the Sandy...

Boycott The DSM-5: Anachronistic Before Its Time

When plans for the DSM-5 were first announced about ten years ago, most folks’ reaction was “Why?”. Many of us asked that same question several times as the publication date for the new tome kept on getting pushed back. Finally, the curtain enshrouding the DSM-5 Task...

Big Brother Is Watching: Children and Older Adults, Part I

[This is the first part of a two-part article about the system of surveillance and social control that has been established in this country with psychiatric involuntary commitment laws at its center, and about a possible campaign to end Kendra’s Law or Assisted...

Nation of Killers